
Magical Musings

We Are Nature--The Earth, The Star, Ourselves


We ARE nature. We are not IN nature. We do not GO to nature. We do not LEAVE nature. We ARE nature. The Star feels like such a brilliant embodiment of this energy. After the Tower of empire, patriarchy, and shame has fallen, the Star can emerge as their true self—a peaceful celebration of the Earth body. The Star is ruled by Uranus and Aquarius; a new, high frequency, refreshing intelligence that washes away the old paradigm. Embracing and cultivating relationship with our Earth body ultimately connects us the the stars.

We are made of stardust.

Our bodies are unique mirrors of the Earth. The disdain we carry for our bodies reflects dominant culture’s disdain for our planet, for the wild feminine, for the queer, exquisite complexity of our generous home. The disrespect for the queer, feminine, black and brown body is an environmental issue. The disrespect for our planet is an anti-racist, feminist, queer issue. 

La Push Beach, Washington (Quileute land)

La Push Beach, Washington (Quileute land)

Our nature explodes across the sky as an ecstatic rainbow.

The deeper we connect to our Earth nature, we become more attuned to the magical undercurrent of our planet’s body. In 2014, I went on a road trip with a few friends to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. We visited an extraordinary natural phenomenon called the Dungeness Spit. The particular current of this area causes sediment to build up in a long snake like peninsula that continues to grow by the day! It was surreal and fascinating to walk along it. There were several signs around the area severely cautioning against taking even a small rock from the Spit. It seemed to be deeper than an ecological concern. In hind sight, I realize it was likely an issue of respect to the spirits of place.

However, at the time, I was not actively aware of this. I thought there couldn’t be much harm in pocketing a small piece of gorgeous driftwood. As we passed the exit, I saw another cryptic sign asking to leave anything you might have taken in a pile below. There were probably 50 sticks in the pile. Still, I ignored it and kept my piece. As we left in the car, I was gripped by intense anxiety. I had a sharp feeling in my gut that I just did something VERY wrong. I knew immediately I needed to get back to the ocean as soon as possible to return it. My friends said we were too far from the Dungeness Spit to go all the way back, but we could go to La Push beach.

I approached the ocean with my driftwood. I said I was wrong and selfish and entitled. I said I should never have disrespected the spirits of place, the spirits of the ancestors of this land, the descendants of the Ancestors of this land. I was sorry and I wanted to return the driftwood to the ocean. I tell you no lie when I say the SECOND I threw the drift wood in the waves, a MASSIVE double rainbow erupted across the sky. I almost feel to my knees into the ocean. I started screaming. I was so grateful for this generous confirmation from the ocean that I should ALWAYS listen to the stewards of the land, spirits of the land, ancestors and descendant of the land. From that day forth I rarely take anything from a place without permission or offering a gift in return.

Venus Day offering to Aphrodite at the Atlantic Ocean

Venus Day offering to Aphrodite at the Atlantic Ocean

One key way to develop relationship between yourself, the Earth and the Star energy is to give generous offerings. What do you find beautiful and pleasing to the senses? If you enjoy it, the Earth will too as long as it’s all organic of course. I can’t tell you how many seashells I have offered to ancient trees, crystals and chocolate to the ocean and so much more. The Salem harbor is full of crystals because of me and my witch friends!

The Earth spirits love offerings of all kinds. I have found trees love song and delight in ocean treasures because they have never been to the ocean. When developing a magical practice of offerings, you start to learn what different places and beings like. You start to be able to feel the energy of the trees brighten. This is the gift of experiencing our bodies connected to the Earth body; we can feel that Earth energy light up when tended. Being alive can really be amazing.

But as we know, it is not always easy or comfortable. The Earth is not always a calm place and neither are we. Those of us who are very sensitive, empathic, neurodivergent and struggle with mental illness know how tempestuous that nature can be. Our nature pours through our grief stricken eyes like cataclysmic, rock carving waterfalls. Our nature vibrates at the frequency of an electrical storm. We are avalanche. We are the unfathomable ocean floor. We cling to rock like moss. We reach to the sky with the gnarled branches of oak trees. 

But no one would ever ask a rainbow to be less intense. No one would ask the ocean to be small. Some of us carry more electricity in our bones and some of our eyes are wired like rivers. Carrying a strong helping of the Earths powerful energy can leave our bodies and minds exhausted. This, in my opinion, is why the energy of the Star is SO important and nuanced. The Star looks very serene, though the energy of Uranus is quite the opposite. Uranus is the planet of catalytic change, unexpected upheaval, high frequency genius. In the out of the box, cerebral sign of Aquarius, this mental and emotional energy is NOT calm. However, this is why the soft, soothing, healing energy of this card is crucial. Bringing in the high octave, vibrant brilliance of this architype requires tender care of the Earth body that receives it. Ultimately, the Star energy is pulling us into a new paradigm. The Star is a guide post on our journey into the Age of Aquarius. In this new age, we put the Earth first and in turn honor ourselves in the process.

My work, my mission in this life, is to support people in their process of reclaiming their magical nature, to listen to the whispers of their guides and deeply root in the abundant soil of our planet. 

Want to learn more about the Star and how Tarot can support your healing and transformation?